OCTOBER 20TH: The Work in Question

21 years have gone by and not enough has changed. My growth has been followed by a growing discontent with who I am. I cannot keep exhausting myself like this.

All I want to do is improve. I have this fixation about whether or not I am a good person, whether or not I am thinking enough of others, always trying to find the root of why I do what I do. Maybe this constant introspection is setting me up to fail, but I cant shake it nor do I want to. People dont look within enough. But is too much any better?

All I want to do is prove to myself that I can accomplish something. That my mind isnt some absent being that produces benign thought. That there is more to me, that I am more than my next fixation or pursuit. That all this self-work is actually happening, that it actually can happen. What does that even look like?

This. I hope writing will help me digest my thoughts and feelings and act with more clarity and with less impulsivity. I am tired of being aimless and reckless.

I am writing this because I actually want to get better, I am writing because I actually want to change. I romanticize the pain often, I almost believe that this is what life is about, yearning and hurting and extremes. It just leaves me to live a life of instability, lashing out and grasping for anything.

I want to get better, for myself and for others. To prove that I can get out of this cycle. To be a better version of myself so that I am a better person to others. I love loving, I love caring, and I love trying to give people a reason to smile. I am tired of feeling lately like I am the reason for pain, discomfort, and sadness. Thats not who I want to be. Who do I want to be?

I dont want to be a polarizing figure, I want to be a good person.

I am always fighting with myself. What I want and what I need are never aligned. Or do I just say that? I was told I dont always have to be this righteous person. I do though. I want to feel at peace with myself for once. I want to take pictures, I want to be able to look at my body, I want to dress how I want to, I want to let someone in intimately, I want to feel good about myself, I want to be proud of myself, I want to love the worst parts about me, I want to feel like happiness is possible for me. Is it?

I have been given such good people in my life. People who want to understand me and are rooting for me to one day get there. I hope that day is soon. Will it be soon enough?